The Classic London Bus Company
The Classic London Bus Company
Our first trip
2008 programme
Our vehicles


Our vehicles

The buses used will be primarily drawn from Ensign Bus Company’s historic fleet, and have generously been offered to the Society at a preferential rate. The Society would like to place on record its thanks to Steve Newman, Director of Ensign, for this kind gesture, and for his support and encouragement in setting up the Society.

From time to time, where more appropriate, buses from other operators will be used, and of course, there will be the opportunity to ride on vehicles at the museums, collections and rallies that we visit.

PLEASE NOTE: The Society will make every effort to run a specific vehicle if advertised in our programme, but occasionally that may not be possible due to operational reasons or other unforeseen circumstances. The Society cannot be held responsible in the event of a non-appearance of a particular vehicle, and would ask its members to be understanding should such a situation arise.